The earth from a distance (space) is still majorly blue and green, because the earth is still at the beginning of it's deterioration. The deterioration some people still have the guts and / or carelessness to ignore - they must make the best possible use of their resources, having no qualms with the damage done to their environment.

     The world is working out middle grounds for us to coexist sustainably with the environment. The middle grounds that are deliberated on at lengths by diplomats, are not drastic enough such that the environment is very little affected and surely has easy loop holes for boycotting, and finally are unpronounced in Africa.

     Africa seems to be "benefiting" leniency from international organizations by reason of their poor state of finance and low level of development in terms of international dues and contributions; like the effect of climate change would be lenient on Africa.

     The more developed economies undoubtedly played a major role in the change in climate pattern - they've been emitting green house gases long before Africans (could even think). But without drastic solutions that involve all hands being seriously on deck; without Africa standing up to the situation, Africa would still be the worst hit when everything starts to unfold.

     Fast forward to when push has come to shove as a result of strongly slacking resolve to reversing climate change. Imagine then…

   The more developed countries have resources and will to survive. They have poor and middle class demography too that will suffer. But before then, they can't have a "just-realized" unproductive population whose actions probably make things worse for them; they have to be cut off of the limited resources. (Or maybe not…)

     Technologies would surely not be cheap. They will probably sell technologies costlier to poorer countries to reduce population. They would easily and in the most technological and economical way possible, mine salt water and build series of blockages to minimize flooding and other water related hazards.

     They would hoard their water and  even air (if possible) and buy from Africa, like they do the oil. (By then, Africa would have bought the technologies to sustain their rich, ever negleting the poor).

     They would stop granting visas. And the world organisation that would be then, would not see the need to cater for Africa. Their African members would be relieved of their duties mainly because they would have next to nothing to offer, other than their ever resource-consuming populations.

     Blockades built by developed economies would be so high, and they would have the technologies to clean the waters around them. Ocean dirt would have nowhere else to go other than Africa. It would become the dump ground; the dead zone on earth because of their "dumbitudity". They would never be able to adapt to the change.

     Topics of time of independence, a virtually natural disaster-free continent and economic growth and development would be obsolete.

     Trending topics on Africa (because people would talk) would be genocide (for a few people), how they don't belong in the new and evolved world (like that world would be something to be proud of), how their corrupt minds became the death of them…

     But no African country can be termed developed yet. This in time of  an environmental issue may not be a bad thing. That is, Africa can be the major countering player in reducing the effects of climate change caused by greenhouse gases.

     Africa (which is still developing) should refuse to follow the normal environmentally-wrong path to growth and development and learn from previous mistakes and make their path to success sustainable.

     And this is very achievable. Although, uncomfortable in the short run. But in the long run, they would not only be repairing the foundation of their existence and creating a better world for their future, but they would also be institutionally better off their development counterparts.

     (I don't believe you can accomplish such feat and still have poor standard of operation...Except the African demon is real).

     Africa is still developing. Mega cities and 4g tech and all sorts of so-called accomplishments are toys to us by virtue of being geographically related to rich economies.

     Our standards of operation are faulty. The ones that are not, are not stable. We are not done cooking. The wrong pot-blackening fire should be put out and a new fire rekindled.

     We will then become advanced technologically and in all other aspects. But if we are the world's biggest environmental sustainability hub, wouldn't that be something really something?


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