Writing about CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases does not at all feel repetitive and boring yet - I mean, climate change though began quite a long time ago, it is still just starting to really hit us. But talks about the causes and sources of greenhouse gas emissions would just be stating already established facts (except new, completely new information come up). Not that it's unimportant; it's just mundane. That said, sources of CO2 emissions (i.e, smokes from exhaust pipes of vehicles and generators , burning large amounts of garbage, mining etc… ) in Africa is not the subject here; I mean, all of Africa combined don't emit up to half of Asia, or according to some stat (e.g, Union of Concerned Scientists) only China. Emission of greenhouse gases has been a global norm for centuries now. We only are just starting to experience its effects. Talks relating to the "bastard" now hinge on how to reduce its abundance and...