Tech can do and undo stuff - it is only a matter of time. (It's what I believe). I believe also that any problem that exists now, does so because we don't yet have the tech-know-how to deal with it. Physical earth problems like flooding, landslides, tsunamis, erosion, and so on, and human problems like conflict, excess liquidity, insecurity, transportation problems, and so on, and even health problems like cancer, AIDS, even headaches and injuries and so on (you name every little or big discomfort you can think of) all require a threshold of tech (that would surely come with some level of knowledge) to be beat, before we can (probably) completely quell these problems from the world such that after a while, they'd seem out of place; I am referring to an earth that his run by clean technology, and the earth, still as natural as we met it. Though I also believe that for other kinds or level of problems such as conflict and bad governance, a level of mental maturity has to be ...