Tech can do and undo stuff - it is only a matter of time. (It's what I believe). I believe also that any problem that exists now, does so because we don't yet have the tech-know-how to deal with it.
Physical earth problems like flooding, landslides, tsunamis, erosion, and so on, and human problems like conflict, excess liquidity, insecurity, transportation problems, and so on, and even health problems like cancer, AIDS, even headaches and injuries and so on (you name every little or big discomfort you can think of) all require a threshold of tech (that would surely come with some level of knowledge) to be beat, before we can (probably) completely quell these problems from the world such that after a while, they'd seem out of place; I am referring to an earth that his run by clean technology, and the earth, still as natural as we met it.
Though I also believe that for other kinds or level of problems such as conflict and bad governance, a level of mental maturity has to be attained world wide before they would be majorly defeated. And it is not a matter of whether tech or mental maturity is more important, as the degree of application of both varies for different problems. But generally, tech is the answer to a lot of physical earth problems. One of them (problems) being a safer and healthier earth as well as a more friendly human-earth relation. Though mental maturity would play major role in making this possible too.
Starting with earth, (i.e, land) present issues are earthquakes, landslides, soil flows, erosion, building collapses etc... But with technology, imagine if, we're be able to move tectonic plates and bring back together all the continents; trading would be really easy and transport time between some countries would be greatly shorter. Though some countries would lose some level of natural security. But then, at that level of development, we'd be more mentally mature and thus more united so some kind of fears won't exist.
And like they say "united we stand, divided we fall". And as seen in a concrete wall vs just a concrete block; do you think that the effects of a meteorite on any one continent or island would be the same or close enough the its effect on a the earth when all lands are one? Probably not. (But let's leave that to the scientists).
Then we'd be able to prevent earthquakes and other land problems, because we'd have the tech to make land so compact and dense and also have the science and tech to keep earth problems at bay.
We'd even be able to build uplands (or cause elevations). This way, every body would be living on plateaus or some form of highland and not sea levels where floods are inevitable and difficult to control. We'd be able to live in mountains (yeah, rocks) the exteriors of which would be as natural as it can be (with trees and grasses all around the mountain) with some modifications to the interiors such as lights, windows, the most natural-looking porches possible and helipads.
About transportation, the only land vehicles might be simple-looking sustainable ones that resemble bicycles and scooters of the present.
I don't fancy the idea of underground or under-earth transportation. It's not a gracious enough way to travel. We're humans, not foxes or rats. The only way I'd appreciate that is if there's also life underground, i.e, a civilization underground. That feature in a tech earth would be exciting to have.
True, flying vehicles would make cities seem jam-packed. But that's with the present types of buildings. Imagine flying vehicles around individual mountains (which would house people). I feel that sounds more there. Elon Musk's Boring company surely has people who are 100 times more creative and innovative and smarter, but fuck all that shit! Tunnel travelling is so not the future. They're still working on it. But even in the next twenty years, can their tech be fool-proof to hacking and accidents and the mental fear that comes with an accident underground? Most likely not. (if they're looking for somewhere to waste money, I'm not far enough for them not to reach me).
Then we'd probably be able to grow or replicate raw materials of many or any sort. (It's a tech earth!). That would be really nice; we don't have to rely heavily on natural resources.
Air pollution would be difficult to come about. Firstly because we'd be more sensitive to earth health. And secondly because we'd have the tech that can read pollution levels and administer the right chemical or tech device or both to neutralize any detected anomaly. The issues that give us headaches now would be piece of cake then - as it should be in a tech earth right?
Now to water problems. An advanced tech earth cannot suffer mere issues like drought and water pollution right? Else, you can't refer to such as advanced.
In this idea of a future tech earth, because of "favourable" weather and climate, and populations that won't be so intense and demanding, and would also be well spaced, there would be no such things as drought or water pollution & the likes. All these would also be, thanks to mental and tech maturity.
Then for the more serious ugly heads like tsunamis, there would be human-induced-natural mechanisms or purely artificial devices to early detect and quell them before they cause damage.
Health-wise, diseases (which might probably be earth's measures put in place to effect balance) would be practically non-existent. There would even be one for all vaccines and hospitals would be replete with robotic nurses. Life would be a bed of roses. That's what a tech earth aims to achieve right?
There already exist heart rate monitors, even wearable ones. So you know when things seem to be getting out of hand so you take preventive measures.
And the high level of spirituality and oneness with the earth that would be at that time would certainly assist in making some diseases (like cancer, heart attacks, or even HIV & AIDS) non-existent. And by spirituality, I mean we'd have tapped well into the power of the subconcious and thus have a high control over a large part (if not all) of what happens in and about us. Hospitals will probably even be scarce with (or of) patients at that time.
Food would be more easy to produce and would be in abundance. There'd even be a central government of the world at that time and the world would be self-sufficient in food production. And it would be because of advanced tech and a far better understanding of things.
The world at that time might even have only a hand full of children. I don't know the benefits people attribute to having children now, But if it's about care in old age, that won't matter any more as there'd be those natural and human systems in place to efficiently cater for aged populations. (Provided they look and feel old at all)
Animals to me (apart from meat) have always been live wallpaper, especially the undomesticated ones. So they'd just make the scenes more beautiful; even though it would be from a distance for those harmful and carnivorous ones.
And you would think that with this height of growth, that there would be a common languages and a common culture. Errr... I don't think so. And I dare say that even with all these, there would probably be new cultures and traditions as a result of more easy brain activity (that surely don't harm us).
Plus we won't just throw some intelligent knowledge away. Culture holds knowledge and in culture is languages. They go altogether such that the death of one is practical death of all. Though the tech earth would be highly technological (surely), but that also means that we would have a better understanding and integration of things.
Its the path to growth that would determine the future; whether a beautiful tech earth or an ugly tech earth like many people already want to believe.
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