Natural resources.

These things do not seem spectacular. Firstly because they are too common (except in places where they are not and / or where they are too expensive). And secondly because we understand quite a lot about them.

Now, these natural resources are not "simple", considering the level of knowledge researchers have garnered about them over time.

But if we look at them with the layman's eyes; the understanding with which the early men saw them, which is their basic needs; needs such as cooking, bathing, washing, breathing, cracking, building and so on, and depending on the type of person you are...then you may find us quite lucky.

You know...we are born with the table already set for us. A lot is known about a lot of natural resources. And that's not bad. No qualms with that. (Why would there be?).

But that just pronounces how heavily dependent we are on these lifeless things and lower animals.

And more shamelessly, the management of these natural resources over time has been very poor. You know, the use of "dirty fuels" (as opposed to clean fuels) in all the industries, leading to the increase in global average temperature, the seaice-melt in both poles, the rising sea levels, the  floodings,  the underground water mining,  then water scarcity, then desertification, Ozone layer depletion from air pollutants, forests diebacks, and so on...

These things which we were born into are majorly not special because of their availability (we may lack them because of bad management). But categorising their care as second thought or for-the-money is just profoundly wrong. If not for anything, at least, for you.

In the world today, expertise is the aim of both individuals and organisations. So you may be a Statistician or an Insurance person or a Custom Officer or whatever. You should not make more difficult than normal the job of an environmental person.

If I do that, it just goes to show that my moral compass is faulty.

I mean, if I know the theories that increase my chances of profit, or the tactics of winning a game, or skills to win a court case, and a lot of other things that are good for me, plus if I know that I should not have sexual relations with an underage, or that I should not hate a person for race or colour, or that I should not walk the streets naked and so on...

But I comfortably refuse to know that I should not litter the surroundings or that I should not release harmful substances into the environment, or that I should not hunt down most of the species of an animal that they risk going into extinction and so on... (Even forget the long term effect on me) it just goes to show that I lack principle.

Funny thing is that I would later define myself as modern or civil...

One may say, "that is why there are environmental scientists and solve these problems or at worst, mitigate their effects...I will support them financially..."

But I dare say that it is just waste of resources. For example, mining salt out of sea water because we have chosen to adapt the desert to our home, or using seabins because we have been a little irresponsible enough to throw trash into our drainage. Or we have air cleaners for air pollutants and so on.

The resources used to develop these technologies could have been used to further exploration of both the earth and the universe, shortening the time it would take to get a second home in the universe - mars. By now, we should be developing technologies for physical contact with the earth's core (sustainably). Or bring to reality, some of the things they create in fantasy films like making utensils and tools or even complete buildings out of ice or a hybrid of ice and metal.

Rather, we are battling accumulated effects of poor earth management. I therefore believe that our progress, globally, is slowed. (But we might not be able to say that, since we don't have any frame of reference to compare our rate of growth with).

Ok, let's say I get your point, what are those so-called environmental organisations doing about it?

I will list a few below. But before then, know this. They are doing a lot. But that lot is hampered upon by a lot of things. Listen...

Many of the earth-disturbing things we do are rather easy things to do. Things like dumping garbage in the drainage, felling excess trees to meet up with demand, releasing harmful substances into the atmosphere because keeping them. And managing them is not too profitable. They are the easy way out. And we can't say we don't know, especially with the many number of "green guys" shouting up and down.

But another issue is our slow adaptability. We say we adapt fast. But that is relative to plants and animals.

If we did adapt fastly, cutting down on fossil fuel mining would have been faster, and imposing restriction on child bearing won't have been an issue.

But people won't just up and stop doing what they're used to doing. For example, telling some Africans to engage in family planning would be like standing in the way of their success. And telling citizens of the second and first world countries to cut down on cattle rearing, would be like you have nothing better to do than to try and disorient them.

Now to those organisations...

The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty aimed at atmospheric protection. They did succeed in reducing the emission of CFCs by banning it's production. Now, researchers say that the Ozone hole is the smallest ever (in 2019), since they started monitoring it in the 1980s.

The Ocean Sewage Alliance OSA, is a collection of different organizations who plan on reducing water pollution and boosting both human and environmental health. They plan on doing this by refining or treating our waste products of excretion and egestion, in order to produce clean energy and prevent water pollution.

Then there are the software and EV automobile companies such as BMW, Ford, Nio, Tesla, Hyundai and so on, who produce electronic vehicles. The cars are green to a good extent. That's all that matter.

There are a lot of other organisations and clubs who have made it their business to advocate for one aspect of the earth or another. They include the Sierra club, National Audubon Society, World Wildlife Fund, Green Peace, BOCS Foundation, Rientrodolce and so on... They advocate earth management ranging from land preservation to wildlife and water preservation, to research to the protection of the rights of people and so on.

Then there is the IPCC whose major objective is to help governments be more informed as regards their environment so that they don't sign environmentally disturbing contracts.

Conclusion: Earth management can be a very simple exercise. We just have to put our bodies under subjection.


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